Wednesday, June 21, 2023


The McCallion plot in Tironeill is just above the Tironeill label on the map, in the dip of that road. Note the Clonleigh graveyard is circled at the bottom for reference. This is where the McCallions lived from at least 1860s (Griffith's Evaluation) until at least 1911 census. (James, Michael, and Daniel had already emigrated but the time of that census, but Anna McBride McCallion and her two children James and Joseph are resident here in 1911)


Below is Griffith's from 1867 or so. John McCallion had plot #2 (we now know gr-gr-grandfather was NOT Thomas):.

The image & map are misaligned a bit, as both structures (semi-circle) appear to be in plot #1. If you zoom in on Griffith's, you can see the line dividing #1 and #2 should be shifted to the left.

This pic from google from the west approaching the plot, to the left (north). This house was not present, but this was John McCallion's land.

Google map pic to the right, south. The barn was not there in 1860s, but the lane to the two houses beyond was, and this was John McCallion's land:

Kath's pic. On the lane, the old McCallion house in the background:

My pic below. If the house straight ahead is #2 McCallion, then the house to the right is on plot #1, either John McNamee or Patrick Carolan (?)

Still in active use as a barn/storage.

The sleeping alcove? Where the elderly would get a spot to sleep closer to the fire?

Kath and Ellie in front of plot #1 house.

Paul, Kath, and I. Paul is a great guy: warm, welcoming, intelligent, witty (are we sure we are related? lol)

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