Sunday, June 25, 2023

Paul's collection, Pop and siblings

We now think this is James McCallion and Anna McBride, given the woman looks so much like Anna:

 William McCallion, Pop's youngest brother:

William and Sara's house in Ballindrait (will post location on map). Both were Pop's siblings, neither married. Sara was the youngest sibling:

We've seen these two pics before, but these are better quality. These are two of Pop's brothers, but we don't know who is who!

Above looks a lot like Pop, but not if that is Pop in the first pic!

Above. So, this is a key piece of a big puzzle. Daniel, third brother after John and James. He emigrates to the US with James and Michael  (fifth brother), but is distraught over Michael's death in a trolley accident in 1913. Returns to Ireland. Seems he joins the Enniskillen Fusiliers and dies in France in WW1. Need to research.

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