Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Paul's collection - mass cards

Great grandfather James McCallion, who married Mary Hagney.

Some of these below we've seen before, but these should be better quality (I hope):

Above, William Meyler who married Anne McCallion, Pop's sister.

Anne McCallion Meyler, Pop's sister.

William McCallion, Pop's youngest brother.

Sara McCallion, Pop's youngest sibling.

Veronica was daughter of Pop's brother Patrick who moves to Dublin. She contracts TB and dies young.

Helena Leonard who marries Patrick McCallion, Pop's brother. Veronica above was her daughter.

Pop's mass card. So, they must have been in touch *somehow* for Paul to have this.

Pop's brother Patrick, fourth oldest of the siblings (Kath's pic)

John, son of Pop's oldest brother John. Also, this is Paul's father

John, the oldest of the offspring of James McCallion and Mary Hagney.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Paul's collection - need more info


These next two go together:

There two together as well:

My notes say "Paul with fiddle", but I confused Paul with Pop's brother Patrick. Which Paul would this be?

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Paul's collection, Pop and siblings

We now think this is James McCallion and Anna McBride, given the woman looks so much like Anna:

 William McCallion, Pop's youngest brother:

William and Sara's house in Ballindrait (will post location on map). Both were Pop's siblings, neither married. Sara was the youngest sibling:

We've seen these two pics before, but these are better quality. These are two of Pop's brothers, but we don't know who is who!

Above looks a lot like Pop, but not if that is Pop in the first pic!

Above. So, this is a key piece of a big puzzle. Daniel, third brother after John and James. He emigrates to the US with James and Michael  (fifth brother), but is distraught over Michael's death in a trolley accident in 1913. Returns to Ireland. Seems he joins the Enniskillen Fusiliers and dies in France in WW1. Need to research.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Paul's collection, part 2

Pop's oldest brother was John, Paul's grandfather. Here's his family:

Back row: Hugh, Vera (Sarah Veronica), Bridie, John

Front: Annie, their father John, Mary (who marries John Sweeney)

Above: mostly same crew, but younger? My notes fail me!

Above: Annie, Vera, Bridie McCallion (John's daughters)

Below two are Kath's pics. Bridie, I think:

Vera McCallion with cousin Nancy Duffy (above). Pop's brother Patrick has a daughter Nancy who marries Sean Duffy (Dublin connection).

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Paul's collection, part 1


Letter from Mary McCallion Sweeney (daughter of Pop's brother John) to Fran Miller, 1980?
It mentions James McCallion (gr-grandfather, Pop's father) as being from Co Tyrone. We know he was from Tironeill, but possibly raised by family in Tyrone (?) Is this why his marriage cert lists his father as Thomas, when it was John?

Below letter from Leo Meyler (son of Pop's sister Anne McCallion Meyler), to Fran, 2003

Not sure about this note. More on the McCallions being initially from Tyrone. Is it possible that is prior to them living in Tironeill for the Griffith's Eval in 1860s?

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


The McCallion plot in Tironeill is just above the Tironeill label on the map, in the dip of that road. Note the Clonleigh graveyard is circled at the bottom for reference. This is where the McCallions lived from at least 1860s (Griffith's Evaluation) until at least 1911 census. (James, Michael, and Daniel had already emigrated but the time of that census, but Anna McBride McCallion and her two children James and Joseph are resident here in 1911)


Below is Griffith's from 1867 or so. John McCallion had plot #2 (we now know gr-gr-grandfather was NOT Thomas):.

The image & map are misaligned a bit, as both structures (semi-circle) appear to be in plot #1. If you zoom in on Griffith's, you can see the line dividing #1 and #2 should be shifted to the left.

This pic from google from the west approaching the plot, to the left (north). This house was not present, but this was John McCallion's land.

Google map pic to the right, south. The barn was not there in 1860s, but the lane to the two houses beyond was, and this was John McCallion's land:

Kath's pic. On the lane, the old McCallion house in the background:

My pic below. If the house straight ahead is #2 McCallion, then the house to the right is on plot #1, either John McNamee or Patrick Carolan (?)

Still in active use as a barn/storage.

The sleeping alcove? Where the elderly would get a spot to sleep closer to the fire?

Kath and Ellie in front of plot #1 house.

Paul, Kath, and I. Paul is a great guy: warm, welcoming, intelligent, witty (are we sure we are related? lol)