Friday, March 31, 2023

pics from Stephen

 William Meyler, who marries Pop's sister Anne:

From Stephen: "Annie McCallion on the left, William Meyler on the right. I think the man in the middle is Louis Meyler of Liverpool"

We've seen this pic before, but Stephen confirms it is from their wedding:

Annie McCallion and William Meyler’s grave is in Crosstown, County Wexford


  1. Since I'm also related to a Myler. A Grandmother. All Myler /Meyler hailing from Wexford are related back to a Welsh Knight.
    1 May 1169 Anglo Normans arrived to invade Ireland at Bannow Bay, Co. Wexford, in three ships under Robert fitz Stephen. The dozen knights aboard included an illegitimate grandson of King Henry I, Meiler (Myler) fitz Henry. The place from which he came is still called Lough Meyler, Wales. His Grandmother was the daughter of the king of Wales. The Irish population of that area of Wexford was decimated, and the Knights names have been connected with Wexford ever since.
