Friday, December 22, 2023

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Dooish & Griffiths

Based on the location of the McNeil's home, we can tell the location of the original McBride plot from the 1840s in Griffiths.

There are two John McBrides in Dooish in Griffith's Evaluation, one in plot 10A & B to the left and one in plot #2, to the right (Dooish is a big townland, this is only the northern part):

So the McNeil plot is #2, and likely that was John McBride's too (and birthplace/home for Anna McBride McCallion).

If I had realized I likely would have spent hours crawling the fields, especially down by the river!

Note that someone probably knew this, and just didn't realize that I didn't know!

Monday, November 13, 2023


OK, trying to get back to this. I was wrong not to mention the McNeils earlier. With Paul's help, we went searching around Dooish for the McBride/McNeil home pictured here:

More on that photo here:

We stumbled on a house that looked similar, and met Conor McNeil, son of George & Claire McNeil.
Conor introduced us to his parents. His father, George, is the son of Alexander McNeil and Maude Kelly. Alexander being the son of George McNeil and Kathleen McBride, sister of our grandmother Anne McBride. Alexander's sisters were the McNeil women we all met in Yonkers: Molly, Annie, and Bridie. A fifth sibling, Celine, married Hugh McColgan.

So, George's grandmother Kathleen McBride McNeil  and my (our) grand mother Anna McBride McCallion were sisters.

The house has been in the McNeil family for ages. I meant to ask if they knew if it was the original structure for the McNeil/McBride family. 

Note that Derek McNeil (Conor's brother) does a lot of family research too and has shared  some great photos.

Painting of the original house:

Thanks to the McNeils for allowing us to pop in!

Will need to spend more time on the McNeil & McBride side of the family next time!

Grandfather Martin O'Grady with grand-aunt Kittie/Katherine (they are not related).

Maude McNeil with family of Alex and Maude in Dooish.

Thanks to Kath for the pics!

Thursday, August 17, 2023


We've seen that gr-grandmother Mary Hagney (marries gr-grandfather James McCallion) had a sister, Sarah, who emigrates tot he U.S. and marries James Sackville:

That's the great part of these tools, where they can make a connection that was impossible (or improbable) just a few years prior.

Paul had this shot in his collection at his home in Donegal:

So Mary Hagney McCallion kept in touch with her sister's family, and perhaps some of her children did too.
I've reached out to a few of the Sackville descendants, no luck with responses yet.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Sister Maire

Sister Maire Nic Niallais and her brother Sean Mac Niallais were able to chart a lot of family history of the Meehans and related clans, all in the days before the internet made this a 'click and search' task. 

Here she is at Presentation Convent in Galway:

She is 92 years old and retired, but she still answers the phones at the Convent!

Her grandfather, John Meehan, was brother to Anne Meehan (great grandmother), who marries James McBride.

Sister Maire was a cloistered/enclosed nun in Portadown, near Armagh for the first 20 years of her service, until Vatican II and Pope Paul VI encouraged nuns to become part of the community. Once that happened, she quickly became frequent friends with her nearby cousin, Anna (Murphy) McAvinchey in Armagh.

She was assigned to various jobs in her tenure, including New Orleans as a teacher and principal of a school in Zambia.

Her brother Sean has passed on, but in his day he was a prolific family researcher. He wrote constantly  to family to try to determine family history.

Sister Maire did a lot of research herself and told of train trips to Dublin to spend the day in the archives searching for family info.

That's the way you did it back then!

You can find various links on this blog with the research from both Sean and Sister Maire.

Thank you both for your hard work!

Note that the sister taught me that the 'Nic' in her name was for the female members of the clan/family, 'Mac' for the men. So her brother Sean was Mac Niallais, but she is Nic Niallais.

Note also that there was some confusion at the start of my visit as she thought I was a Thomas O'Grady from NY who had married into the McCallions from MountCharles ... small world, but different family!

Update: the Thomas O'Grady above is the father of the Tom O'Grady I had stumbled on when researching the Meehans:

'His' O'Gradys are from the area near Cashelcolane, were Grandma Regan was from. He said there was an area nearby known as "O'Grady" village. Is this were Michael Grady originates, before he migrates to Derreentighe in 1860s? Is this the link where Grandma Regan supposedly 'knew' Martin before they  emigrated?

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Paul's collection - mass cards

Great grandfather James McCallion, who married Mary Hagney.

Some of these below we've seen before, but these should be better quality (I hope):

Above, William Meyler who married Anne McCallion, Pop's sister.

Anne McCallion Meyler, Pop's sister.

William McCallion, Pop's youngest brother.

Sara McCallion, Pop's youngest sibling.

Veronica was daughter of Pop's brother Patrick who moves to Dublin. She contracts TB and dies young.

Helena Leonard who marries Patrick McCallion, Pop's brother. Veronica above was her daughter.

Pop's mass card. So, they must have been in touch *somehow* for Paul to have this.

Pop's brother Patrick, fourth oldest of the siblings (Kath's pic)

John, son of Pop's oldest brother John. Also, this is Paul's father

John, the oldest of the offspring of James McCallion and Mary Hagney.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Paul's collection - need more info


These next two go together:

There two together as well:

My notes say "Paul with fiddle", but I confused Paul with Pop's brother Patrick. Which Paul would this be?

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Paul's collection, Pop and siblings

We now think this is James McCallion and Anna McBride, given the woman looks so much like Anna:

 William McCallion, Pop's youngest brother:

William and Sara's house in Ballindrait (will post location on map). Both were Pop's siblings, neither married. Sara was the youngest sibling:

We've seen these two pics before, but these are better quality. These are two of Pop's brothers, but we don't know who is who!

Above looks a lot like Pop, but not if that is Pop in the first pic!

Above. So, this is a key piece of a big puzzle. Daniel, third brother after John and James. He emigrates to the US with James and Michael  (fifth brother), but is distraught over Michael's death in a trolley accident in 1913. Returns to Ireland. Seems he joins the Enniskillen Fusiliers and dies in France in WW1. Need to research.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Paul's collection, part 2

Pop's oldest brother was John, Paul's grandfather. Here's his family:

Back row: Hugh, Vera (Sarah Veronica), Bridie, John

Front: Annie, their father John, Mary (who marries John Sweeney)

Above: mostly same crew, but younger? My notes fail me!

Above: Annie, Vera, Bridie McCallion (John's daughters)

Below two are Kath's pics. Bridie, I think:

Vera McCallion with cousin Nancy Duffy (above). Pop's brother Patrick has a daughter Nancy who marries Sean Duffy (Dublin connection).

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Paul's collection, part 1


Letter from Mary McCallion Sweeney (daughter of Pop's brother John) to Fran Miller, 1980?
It mentions James McCallion (gr-grandfather, Pop's father) as being from Co Tyrone. We know he was from Tironeill, but possibly raised by family in Tyrone (?) Is this why his marriage cert lists his father as Thomas, when it was John?

Below letter from Leo Meyler (son of Pop's sister Anne McCallion Meyler), to Fran, 2003

Not sure about this note. More on the McCallions being initially from Tyrone. Is it possible that is prior to them living in Tironeill for the Griffith's Eval in 1860s?