Thursday, April 28, 2022

Sean MacNallus to Josephine McCallion

Letter from Sean MacNallus of Donegal to Mom. 

Sean later exchanges with Katherine. Fran Miller said she was in touch with a Sean McNealis from Australia, who collected the entire James McBride family tree (posted earlier). Possibly same guy?

So this Sean is a grandson of John Meehan, brother of great grandmother Anne Meehan McBride.

I forgot who sent this to me ... John? ... but thanks for sharing!

Sean created a detailed family tree for Glackin/Meehan; I will post it too even though it is barely legible.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

more Meehans

 This letter from Sean McNealus/MacNallus to Katherine (continuing exchange he had with Mom):

Based on letter above, great grandmother Anne Meehan McBride had two sisters (at least), Catherine and Isabel.

This is Isabel's marriage, 1871, to Bernard Doherty:

Isabel is listed as 19, so likely born 1852.
Interesting that the witness for Bernard is James McBride, not sure if our James though.

This is Catherine's marriage, 1887, to Patrick Gallagher:

Thursday, April 21, 2022


Anna McBride McCallion's mother was Anne Meehan McBride. Her parents where Charles Meehan and Anne Glackin Meehan.

This is her gravestone, plus the stone for his father, Own (Owen?) Meehan:

The weird part? The pic was posted on by:

He's from Franklin Square, NY. I will write to him.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Thomas McCallion

Grandpa James' father was James, who married Mary Hagney/Hegarty in 1874.

On the marriage record, her age is listed as 22 (so born 1852), his age is listed as 'full' .

According to most genealogy sites, 'full' age means 21 or older. Since she is 22, would it imply that he is older than that, older than her? 'suggests' that his (great grandfather James) mother is Mary Patton, based largely on the fact that the names and places fit. That is, the only child named James, born in Donegal, whose father was Thomas, was this one.  But, the child James born of Thomas McCallion and Mary Patton is baptized in 1859:

This would put James at age 15 or 16 at the time of the 1874 wedding ... certainly not 'full'.

If this is the right great, great grandparents, this is their marriage in 1854:

Great grandfather James appears to have died in 1926:

He is listed as dying at 90 years old, which would put his birth year as 1836. 

My point here: is there another Thomas McCallion, married to ?, who has a son James earlier than 1859? Nothing in research so far

Joseph McCallion 1894-1895

This was grandpa James's youngest brother:

Born Dec 8, 1894:

Dies July 16, 1895:

I wonder if this is why James chooses to use the name Joseph for his first son?

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

James McBride's Will 1917

Anna McBride's father James dies in 1917. He leaves his estate to his daughter Susan's husband Henry McNulty:

263 pounds seems like a lot to me for 1917! Susan dies of the influenza epidemic in Nov 1918.

Feb 17, 2024 update. I should have included this link to the search page:

and this link to the document snipped above:

Monday, April 18, 2022


4/2022 I just realized the original links don't work. Posting images from Griffiths.

 This is Griffith's link for Tironeill:

Only possible connection is McAulain ... possibly McCallion? Or were the McCallions not in Tironeill in 1850s?

But James's father James dies 1926. His father was Thomas, not John, who would have been on the Griffiths Eval in 1850s  ... so perhaps not same family?

This is Griffith's for Dooish ... too many McBrides to make sense!

Anna McBride's father James lived 1841-1917, so it would have been his father to appear in Griffiths in the 1850s. Some evidence shows his father was John McBride. But, there are two John McBrides listed: