Monday, April 18, 2022


4/2022 I just realized the original links don't work. Posting images from Griffiths.

 This is Griffith's link for Tironeill:

Only possible connection is McAulain ... possibly McCallion? Or were the McCallions not in Tironeill in 1850s?

But James's father James dies 1926. His father was Thomas, not John, who would have been on the Griffiths Eval in 1850s  ... so perhaps not same family?

This is Griffith's for Dooish ... too many McBrides to make sense!

Anna McBride's father James lived 1841-1917, so it would have been his father to appear in Griffiths in the 1850s. Some evidence shows his father was John McBride. But, there are two John McBrides listed:

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