Thursday, October 7, 2021


 Time to gather some info on CMT:

Joanne mentioned the actual type is PMP22. More on that here:

also, of interest:

I tend to think of this as a McCallion thing, but perhaps it is more of a McBride thing?

I asked Fran, granddaughter of James's brother Michael, if there was evidence of CMT in that branch. Fran replied, she has not heard of CMT. So, no evidence in that branch of the family, nor is she aware of any in the McCallions that remained in Donegal. 

Need to verify about the other McCallion's still in Donegal; perhaps Katherine knows.

James' siblings:

John - stays in Donegal

Patrick - stays Donegal

Michael - comes to US, dies age 30, no CMT in offspring

Daniel - comes to US, dies as a young man (?)

William - stays Donegal

(Mary) Anne - stays Donegal, marries Meyler, Fran is in touch with them

Sarah - stays Donegal

Anna McBride's siblings:

John - comes to US, Franklin Lakes NJ

Charles - comes to US, we know all his kids ... any signs?

Mary Ellen (Nellie) - stays Donegal, marries Dowds

Kathleen - stays Donegal, marries McNeil (Bridie, Molly, etc)

Margaret - stays Donegal, marries Murphy, offspring include McAvincheys

Susan - stays Donegal, marries McNulty, dies young (1918)

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