1915 NY State census, living at 168 West 65th Street. James's occupation is Fireman:
1920 US Census, still 168 West 65th Street:
1915 NY State census, living at 168 West 65th Street. James's occupation is Fireman:
1920 US Census, still 168 West 65th Street:
Annie McCallion, died of diphtheria 1922:
Mass card for Joseph McCallion:
Mass card for Pop, James McCallion, 1954:
Mass card for Patrick McCallion, one of James's younger brothers. Dies March 22, 1960:
Mass card for John, son of John McCallion, oldest of the McCallion brothers:
We've been trying to track down the gents in this photo, supposed to be a set of McCallion brothers.
More on the origin of this pic: Kath received this from Conor Murphy, grandson of Frank Murphy and Margaret McBride. Anna McBride McCallion sent it to her sister Margaret ?
USA Studios was NOT in the US, but had offices in London and Provinces, assuming in this case to be Ulster.
Based on the link above, this postcard was used by the studio between 1912 and 1915. James had already emigrated in 1910, Daniel and Michael by 1912.
Fran is Michael McCallion's granddaughter (James McCallion's grand niece):
James and Daniel, prior to going to America. Not sure who is who! I think first photo is Daniel, as the second photo looks like James.
The three McCallion sisters, with an American cousin (not Josephine McCallion O'Grady). This is Sara, Annie, and MaryAnne McCallion, James's sisters (all younger):
Edward McCallion:
Marriage of James McBride of Dooish and Anne Meehan of Ballybofey, August 15, 1872:
His father John McBride, her father Charles Meehan.
1. Mary Ellen (Minnie), born June 25 1873:
It is their children listed on the 1911 census for the McBrides.
2. John McBride, born Feb 5 1877:
3. Daughter Anne McBride,
Search district is Stranorlar.
4. Charles
5. Catherine/Kathleen born May 27 1885:
Search district is Strabane.
Marriage of James McCallion and Mary Hagney, Nov 17, 1874:
1901 census only shows one McCallion family in Tironeil. So is Hagney and Hegarty the same name?
His father is Thomas, hers is Daniel.
1. Birth of their first child, John, Nov 6(?), 1875:
2. James is second son after John, but no birth record yet!
His baptism, June 16 1877:
3. Daniel McCallion's birth, April 20, 1879 (third child). He emigrates the year after Michael in 1912.
4. Patrick is fourth son, after Daniel, but no birth record yet.
5. This is Michael's birth cert, Dec 24, 1882. Michael is Fran's grandfather. He emigrates right after James (1911), and is killed in a trolley accident in NYC in 1913:
Is Hagney or Hegarty Mary's maiden name?
6. William, sixth son, born Jan 10, 1885:
Family is now in Lifford? Yet are back in Tironeil for the 1901 census.
7. Mary Ann McCallion, born Jan 1, 1887:
8. Annie McCallion, March 10, 1889:
9. Sarah McCallion, March 15, 1892:
James (great grandfather) dies 1926:
Mary Hagney McCallion dies 1933: